Tuesday, June 29, 2010

To the Choirmaster: according to The Gittith

again i don't actually understand what the title means, its just written in the Book. to continue yesterday's commitment, tonight I'm writing the conclusions of psalms 81 to 85. Verse 81 is about the call to praise The Almighty God with songs and instruments. God who has helped His people always, His people who did not listen and walk away from Him, He still feed them (this is clearly the evidence of God's unconditional love)

Verse 82 - Rewards for obedience, for me the verse is actually telling bout how do we have to be a fair men, give justice, help the needy and rescue the week.

Verse 83 - Prayer against enemies, the prayer of Israel who personally i think are scared of the nations who are rising up and conspire against them. They prayed so that The Lord destroy their enemies, make them like a whirling dust, terrify them, fill their faces with shame (sounds really mean, it's like hatred comes from Israel's heart). But the true intention is to let the enemies know who is the real Lord of lords, that they may seek the name of the Lord

Verse 84,85 - is the song of yearning. how we'd love to go that eternal house, The House of God, where those who dwell we'll feel no better feeling than that.

Monday, June 28, 2010

a maskil of a saph - psalms 78,79,80

i don't even know what is that mean. came back to my room tonight realizing that i have wasted much my time on these starting days of the week. laziness, daydreaming, movies (which motivates but that's about as far as it can gets me). no action, no progress, no nothing. i know i messed up that last sabbath, and this is what happened. decided to start over the reading (not really start over), just start reading from where it is scheduled; June 28, psalms 78.

it says always listen to His teaching, incline your ears to His words, about the good things he has done, tell it to our kids too. We shall not forget the Lord (all the things he has done), have HOPE and keep HIS COMMANDMENT (guess its clear that God wants us to keep His commandments, its like everywhere in the book). but He does not want us to bel like our fathers, STUBBORN, REBELLIOUS, UNFAITHFUL, and whose HEART NOT STEADFAST (that is so Israel, though i think we do just the same). and so the our ancestors got the wrath of God, mocked and defeated by enemies (so if it happen to us, remember this. are we just provoked Him to anger?)

psalms 79 - a psalms of a saph -prayer for restoration
when this happen, nothing we can do but pray and ask for forgiveness.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

every starts need an intro

sunday 13th of june 2010, 8.56 am, on the bed though i have woke up 3hours earlier, not moving a single space, too lazy to take a bottle of water (i don't have glass in my rent room, so when u visit bring one), and so this is me trying to start a new blog, pretending like i had an old one..well maybe, but i have completely forgotten about her, this one is likely end up just the same.

i need a cure for this lazy ass. cause its gonna be hard for me to start this blog, its even harder to write with no story. hey i just turned from this page to chat with some anonymous girl from adult forum. I'll just go back after i feel like to write. _and the laziness continue_

(this writing waste me 95 minutes of my Sunday, thanks)